Building Men

Welcome to the FM Foundation!

At the FM Foundation, we are committed to empowering men to reach their full potential through a holistic approach encompassing sports, survival training, education, entrepreneurship, and community engagement. Our mission is to provide men with the tools, skills, and support they need to lead successful, fulfilling lives and make a positive impact in their communities.

About Us

Our Vision

We envision a world where every man is equipped with the confidence, resilience, and knowledge to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams. Through our diverse programs, we strive to foster personal growth, professional success, and strong community connections.

Our Founder

The FM Foundation was established by Fey Mohamed, a visionary leader and entrepreneur. With a passion for making a difference, Fey has successfully founded multiple organizations and ventures. His dedication to creating positive change led him to establish the FM Foundation, a sustainable platform aimed at giving back to the community. Fey’s commitment to empowering men is at the heart of our foundation’s mission and drives our efforts to create lasting impact.

Sports and survival Initiatives

Our Projects

We believe in the transformative power of sports to build discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being. Our sports programs encourage men to stay active, healthy, and connected.

Education Programs

We offer educational resources and workshops covering a wide range of topics, including financial literacy, mental health, and personal development, to help men succeed in all areas of life.

Entrepreneurship Initiatives

Our entrepreneurship initiatives support men in launching and growing their own businesses. We provide mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources to foster innovation and economic independence.


  • Launch Netherlands

  • €10.000 Pilot project

  • 5 Partner companies

  • 5 Men helped

  • 6 competencies earned



  • Launch Romania

  • 3 Partner companies RO

  • €10.000 Pilot project RO

  • 5 men helped RO

  • €100.000 Donation goal NL

  • 20 Partner Companies NL

  • 25 Men helped NL

  • 30 competencies earned


  • Launch 2 countries (Europe & Africa)

  • €1.000.000 Global Donation goal

  • 200 Partner Companies

  • 500 men helped Global

  • 750 Competencies earned

Get in Touch

Join us on our journey to empower men and build stronger communities. Together, we can make a difference!


World Trade Center

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33

2595AM The Hague


Business hours: weekdays

The Netherlands